Home Welcome to Drumless Version – The ultimate destination for high-quality drumless tracks! Drumless tracks are produced by taking the drums parts from the songs, so that you can play along to your favorite songs Drumless tracks are used for practice and entertainment purposes DRUMMERS Drumless Tracks Made From Original Master Multitrack Recordings Drumless Version is not a crappy A.I. application so you won’t lose the quality of other instruments when the drums are removed LISTEN SAMPLES Browse the world’s largest drumless tracks library with 6,200 songs Updated every month, the library is large enough to meet the demands of all drummers, with thousands of songs from every genre LIBRARY LIFE-TIME Access To Library + 1 Year Updates: €50 Stream your tracks everywhere, access from every device, no downloads needed BUY NOW Didn’t find the song you were looking for? Is the library too much for you? Do you need more? Feeling privileged? Is it necessarily a physical product? Or are you a guitar player? There is definitely something for you SHOP info@drumlessversion.com